Premier opens skills academy in Delft
Posted by HOME OF COMPASSION MINISTRIES on Tuesday, August 24, 2010 Under: Zoe Skills Academy

The Old Radio Buildng in Delft was standing vacant for the past 7 years and after talks with the provincial goverment and the Premier, we were given the oppurtunity to lease the buidling from the goverment for the amount of R150 per month.
We were given the building
in a vandalised state in January of 2010 and with the help of the 200
volunteers, the site was cleaned. We then started to work on the building and
completed renovations in the month of May 2010 and the building was also opened
by the premier, Helen Zille, on the 11th of May 2010.
The centre will be used for skills development of different skills. The students will however first go through the Grassroots programme and then be exposed to small business training and computer training, before being developed in their spesific skills which they applied for.
The centre will be used for skills development of different skills. The students will however first go through the Grassroots programme and then be exposed to small business training and computer training, before being developed in their spesific skills which they applied for.
The students will only be
asked R100 initially to help with administration fees. The rest of the cost will
be done on a bursary level and businesses will provide bursuries for students
and afterwards will give them employment, after they have finished the skills
The different skills that
will be trained are: computer literacy, small business, security, hyster driver,
cashier, ABET, call centre training and sewing. As we grow new skills will also
be added and we also partner with other skills training centers, such as North
Link College and Intercape.
We have also etablished a
creche at the facility to assit the single mothers who do not have money for a
creche and can therefor not attend skills training, as they do not have anybody
to look after their children. We look after their children while they get
trained, free of cost. This enables the mothers to get trained and get jobs,
while their children are being taken care of.
The idea is to establish a
skills centre where people will be shown their potential and then trained to
apply their skills and then helpingthen to get a job, while mentoring them in
the daily life struggles and in the skill that they were trained
(Picture: Danya Philander)
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(Picture: Danya Philander)
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In : Zoe Skills Academy